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Monitoring And Building Your PLN , Using 5 Tools Only

Everyone of us has personal learning system to cope with the information overload. A few days now, I answered the question How do I get the information we share with our PLN? I am ashamed when I receive Twitter followers notifications and what I find on their time line is this: I'm trying to figure how Twitter.

Not that they can post it or show themselves as beginners, but as the author for the idea of this post wrote: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." People looking for social networks and PLNs, first need to sharpen the information grounds with the most basic tools to get acquainted to.

For those who seem to be in the first steps to get immerse in social networks like Twitter or need to start building their own Professional Learning Network, Around the Corner has paraphrased Bernie Dodge's work and lists the 5 tools to keep your PLN very simple:

    1. iGoogle - Although I'm not a big iGoogle user, it can be a valuable tool to organize content visually, easily on the screen.
    2. Google Reader - With the ever-changing world of tweets and plurks, it's hard to imagine that reading blogs and other sites via RSS is all that "up to date." But when you consider that Reader and Reflective writing of blogs go hand-in-hand, Google Reader is a great choice, not only for consuming content but sharing it with others.
    3. Plurk - Although an avid Twitter user, I'm convinced now that Plurk fosters conversations that allow for deeper reflection. Rather than rapid white-water Twitter, Plurk's more placid approach avoids pandering to sharing bits of information for the sake of sharing it, and focuses one on analysis, evaluation, collaboration.
    4. Diigo - Combine Evernote and Delicious and you get Diigo.com, a fantastic social bookmarking and annotation tool that makes it easy to remember content, annotate it, as well as share those annotations, web page highlights with the world via social media (plurk, twitter), blogs, and more. Not only that, it can do it via email, web slides, and/or RSS.
    5. Evernote - Allows you to capture bits of web sites, sounds or voice notes, images, and text and to retrieve it again when needed. Use it selectively to distill what you glean from Google Reader and Twitter. It's also a great place to draft ideas for lessons and presentations, or preliminary responses for school assignments.

As I've noted in my post mentioned, we don't use iGoogle, Plurk or Evernote, but rely heavily on Google Reader and many aggregators. Which are yours?

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