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Top 10 Highly Successful Study Habits for Students

Successful students aren't born that way. But they achieve their success by applying effective students' habits.

So, if you have a kid or student who is able to breeze through school with a bit of an effort, don't get discouraged. Work with the young person to develop each of these study habits, and you'll see their grades go up and their ability to learn and assimilate information improve.

    1. Don't cram all studying into one session
    If you want your child/student to become a successful one, he needs to learn to be consistent in his studies and to have regular, yet shorter, study periods.

    2. Set a schedule of study
    Students who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as students who have a set study schedule.

    3. Study at the same time
    It's important a student plans the time when he is going to study but they also need to create a consistent daily routine. Your child/student will be more mentally and emotionally prepared when he studies at the same time each day and each week. The process will become part of his life.

    4. Study time should have a specific goal
    Studying without direction is counterproductive. Every time a student starts studying, set a study session goal that supports his academic goal. (i.e. Memorize the Pythagorean Theorem in order to ace the exercises on the upcoming Math test).

    5. Do not procrastinate
    Once a study session is scheduled, resist the temptation to accept procrastination. Very common and easy when a child has other things to do, lacks interest or the assignment is hard. Successful students DO NOT procrastinate. It also leads to rushing, and rushing is the number one cause of errors.

    6. Prepare the most difficult subject first
    Since most effort and mental energy is consumed with the most difficult subject, he should start with it first. Starting with the most difficult work will greatly improve the effectiveness of his study sessions and his academic performance.

    7. Have notes and review them alongside your child
    Your child must first have noted, if needed go over these notes with him. If not, review your child notes thoroughly to make sure he knows how to complete the new assignment correctly.

    8. Find a place where student won't be disturbed
    Do no tolerate multitasking. If a student gets disturbed, he 1) lose his train of thought, and 2) he gets distracted. Before your student or child starts studying try to find a place without any gadgets and a location where he does not get disturbed.

    9. Learn how to manage groups and implement it effectively
    Students who get good grades are familiar with study groups and they perform effectively. But groups need to be structured and participants must come prepared. If not, it'll be a waste of time. Working in groups, though, enables a student to 1) get help from a better-prepared classmate, 2) complete assignments quickly, and 3)help other students and himself to better internalize the subject matter.

    10. Review schoolwork over the weekend
    Review notes, class materials, and homework over the weekend. This way your student will be better prepared to continue learning new material at the beginning of each week, which in time, build upon previous coursework and knowledge acquired previously.

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