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Who's Linking to Your Site?

Sometimes I feel tented to publish whatever I want. Excuse these posts that have nothing to do with Education or Technology. I remember a friend of mine told me, hey, I was reading your blog and I couldn't find what is the field you write about. I went like, what? Don't you see what I do every day? But after a while, I do consider sometimes I just publish about everything, mea culpa. Still recall the old days in College when you had to write about a particular topic just because you needed a grade!

When Technorati is down we need to find other procedures to keep track of who's linking to us and I am pretty sure you already know many systems, but if this post [Rose DesRochers] is missing something or there are some other systems you are using please drop us a line in the comment section.

There is always a good way to attract readers to our blogs, doing nothing illegal against Googlebot or any other robot tracker.

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  1. Thanks for the link love. I'm sure I might have missed a couple.

  2. Rose thanks for your visit, I feel honored. I suppose we should keep posting more comments in our blogs.

  3. good to know.. good to know...

    allways good info's here...
