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Manual Arts High School, A Teacher's Schedule Day

The Angeles Times has a column, for those who are not familiar with it, called The Homeroom. In this section, bloggers interested in the education matters write and publish their ideas. Last week, Rebecca Trounson wrote a history from one The Homeroom bloggers, Antero García.

Antero Garcia teaches English at Manual Arts High School in South Los Angeles. Garcia has a master’s degree in education from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences. And we think his tale is seen on more than one of the crowded schools in the States (Elizabeth Board Education handles over five thousand students only in its Secondary level!)

Its very sad what these poor colleagues go through. Teachers are dragged through hell because of No Child Left Behind and are constantly mistreated. No one wants to see that. Every minute is accounted for. Every second. They should at least have their own room. Only lip service is really paid to education.

This is what Antero wrote -related by Rebecca Trounson, "The only slight snag in the entire scenario is that there isn’t enough room for every teacher to have his or her own classroom. I’ll be one of several teachers who will be 'roving' or traveling from one classroom to another throughout the school day."

Imagine if this is happening in America, what might be exposed to, schools overseas. Garcia continues: "Although traveling from classroom to classroom isn’t necessarily the ideal teaching situation, I’ll admit that I don’t mind it that much. Sure, I don’t have my own desk, my own bookshelf, or even a lot of board or wall space for student work. However, I can often use these drawbacks as excuses to pillage and plunder the resources of my oh-too-kind hosts... I’m also privy to the innovative and exciting lessons taking place in other teachers’ classrooms. Sure, I may need to hustle a bit faster to get to my classroom on time (just like the students), but at least I can see something interesting when I get there."

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  1. Thanks for linking to my article on The Homeroom.

    If you are interested in my other school-related adventures, please check out my personal blog: www.theamericancrawl.com

  2. It was a pleasure and thank you to be so attentive of who's linking to you.
