After reading that Stephen Downes is likely the most prominent voice in evaluating both the nature of learning changes and the future impact of ed tech, we have to adhere to G. Siemens appreciations.
Downes has unintentionally collaborated to the future of education and each of the six change drivers (Knowledge, economy, society, systems, organizations, self) the KnowlegeWorks Foundation is working on, the 2020 Forecast. There is also a drill down of information and ideas, including a summary of 6 ways to take action.
The Map of Future Forces affecting the Future of Education provides a great tactical to take action. Did it caught your attention on its opening page? "This world calls not for better schools, but for entirely new kinds of learning environments. To be successful in it, tomorrow’s learners will not just need better teachers; they will need guides who take on fundamentally different roles."
I know not all us are researchers but what are we doing to foresee education on 2020? Are we still thinking white papers are specific enough and that we want relevancy and making sure that it is current? Or is it that we are happy with Autism in Academia?
Just asking...
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