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Education Involves Collaboration

Yesterday, I was following online the #tedxnyed and really enjoyed that way presenters did their part. Really impressed by Jeff Jarvis, Chris Lehmann, George Siemens, Henry Jenkins, Dan Meyers and Mike Wesch -not that the others were bad, but they kept me quiet, attentive and almost fry my brain, to say it figuratively.

Lehmann said: "Schools need to be collaborative and playful." Absolutely. If kids don't experience joy going to school then teachers are in great trouble.

Lehmann's perception relates to Larry Irons vision of social learning. Irons wrote a interesting post saying that social learning is collaborative and it's linked to the large-scale changes facing organizations as they struggle to manage how people share and use knowledge.

Citing Harold Harche, Larry agrees with him to the fact that learning is relevant because school work is almost never done by one single person. School work requires collaboration of a variety of people. Is customary to blame the teachers or even fire them, when something goes wrong in education, I think we are forgetting about many other members of this community.

With his wide experience as a leader of multidisciplinary teams, the author of Skillful Minds writes that collaboration isn’t just about people:

Collaboration is about people working with other people to achieve common goals and create value. Even though goal-orientation is a big part of collaborating, collaboration requires more to achieve goals effectively. It requires shared experience. Indeed, one could reasonably assert that, as members of teams discuss their own assumptions about membership in the flow of a project, they develop increasing empathy for other team members and alignment between their own needs for information supporting performance and the willingness of others to either provide it or facilitate its provision.

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  1. one of the best compliments I can ever receive from someone who has undertaken a course I have designed or moderated is that it was "fun". Fun is so important because it indicates that someone is positive and active, which I consider two very important elements to learning, so Lehmann's words about things needing to be collaborative and playful in schools rings so true to me.
    Very envious you got to do to #tedxnyed by the way.

  2. I appreciate you including my observations into your post. It is always nice to know that people find ways of incorporating my observations into their own thinking.


