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How to document or create a resume for informal learning? Should it be done?

There is a full range of resources to write your CV or to pursue a job. But this question makes me wonder how much of what is not academically certified can be listed on your resume.

"My growth as a learner has skyrocketed in recent years, as I became a connected learner. I believe I have learned more about teaching, learning and technology’s role in the process from self-directed, network supported interactions then I did in many of the formal educational opportunities in which I have participated. I am sure many of you feel the same way.

My children are also connected learners and participate in many opportunities outside of traditional schooling. For example my daughter participated in a writers forum, where they challenged each other in creative writing projects. They wrote, critiqued and re-wrote. She worked on theme, writing style, tense, voice, dialect, setting, etc. She is also interested in propulsion options in space and is researching spacecraft design. She is immersed in learning. My son runs a guild in World of Warcraft. He organizes a group of people, manages assets, plans strategies and often needs to assist members in getting along. He deals with personnel issues and is learning management strategies. Their school transcripts do not reflect their skills, knowledge and talents. How would my children document their learning?"

But how to include all these experiences on your resume? More of the results Beth Knittle received about this question here.

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