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The Changing Role of the Teacher in the 21st Century

Many of our schools are good schools, if only this were 1965. - Louise Stoll & Dean Fink

Effective teaching has to be fluid and adaptive to current culture. The effective teacher understands that there are core skills and knowledge that have to be learned, but must be presented in a manner that students find relevant, even if not in their immediate lives. This requires an art and a science to teaching that makes the teacher of the 21st Century effective.

The science of teaching requires content knowledge, organization, management skills, and detailed planning. The art of teaching is not about possessing an outgoing personality, but making connections to students, parents, as well as connecting the curriculum to the real world in a relevant manner. Thus the 21st Century teacher creates and maintains intentional relationships with her students, parents, and colleagues for the sake of tomorrow’s success.

This is not an easy task, but when the teacher understands how her role in the process has changed, it does make the process much easier. Success of students is the ultimate goal of education; however we have to remember what makes that success possible, an effective teacher. An effective teacher is not someone utilizing the methods and initiatives of 1965, but rather embracing the culture of 2010 and adapting to the needs of students today. The effective teacher will connect the art and science of teaching to make the learning environment relevant and applicable for her students. In the end, the teacher will thrive and the students will flourish when the role of the teacher adapts to the needs of culture of today.

This excerpt by the authors of The Edutainer first appeared at Teachers.net Gazette. September 2010, Vol. 7 No. 9

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