10 Apps For More Organized Project-Based Learning
Above are 10 apps for more organized project-based learning.
WonTube - Download YouTube Video and Convert YouTube to MP3, Search and Download MP3
WonTube - free, powerful video converter for Mac and PC. It's what I use for all my video projects! #edcamphouston
Time to Hold Bill Gates Accountable
Anthony Cody says it is time to hold the authors of this debacle accountable.
HOW TO : Import Google Reader Feed Subscriptions to Microsoft Outlook
If it is sounding interesting to you then, just follow the instructions given above to import Google Reader feeds to Microsoft Outlook. via @shaanhaider
Social Collaboration Platform For Students Kolab Opens Public Beta To First 15K Users
New social collaboration platform for education #Kolab, a combination of Google Docs, Facebook Messenger & OneNote.
17 Ways Teachers Are Using iPhones In Education
Apple still has a formidable app store, and colleges and universities are finding some brilliant ways to work the devices into tech initiatives. #edchat
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Milton Ramirez