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How Do You Know When a Nation's Education Policy Has Gone Awry? - U.S. Case

The Badass Teachers Association - BAT has been created to give voice to every teacher who refuses to be blamed for the failure of our society to erase poverty and inequality through education.

Founders Priscilla Sanstead, Dr. Mark Naison, and Marla Kilfoye, claim this Facebook group tries to reduce or eliminate the use of high stakes testing, increase teacher autonomy in the classroom and work to include teacher and family voices in legislative decision-making processes that affect students.

There are some who feel it is offensive or unprofessional to use the word badass and are uncomfortable with its use. The group disagrees. As Dr. Naison states: "We've had enough. We are not your doormats. We are not your punching bags. We are some of the hardest working, most idealistic people in this country and we are not going to take it anymore.

We are going to stand up for ourselves and stand up for our students even if no organization really supports us, continues Naison. "We are Badass. We are legion. And we will force the nation to hear our voice!"

Dr Mark Naison, is a Professor of African American Studies and History at Fordham University. He has posted a question which to some might sound funny, but it is certainly the truth.

How do you know when a nation's education policy has gone awry?

1. When the two most powerful men shaping education policy in the country- Bill Gates and Arne Duncan, haven't taught a day in their lives.

2. When a celebrated organization called "Teach for America" trains talented students to LEAVE teaching after two years to shape education policy.

3. When leaders of both major parties take turns bashing teachers and deluging their classrooms with tests and assessments.

After answering the question, Mr. Naison asks other teachers to join BAT. "No justice. No peace," he writes.

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