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Education & Tech 08/03/2009

Why I Support The Cellphone Ban At Our School

School’s banning the use of cellphones during school hours (not banning bringing them to school, though), I believe, has contributed positively to improving our school climate says Larry Ferlazzo

10 Tips To Setting Expectations On The First Day Of Class

How you conduct the first day sets the tone for the rest of the semester. Our job as faculty is to establish our expectations as well as “sell our class” to the students in order to create a learning community.

Lessons Learned: Tips for New Technology Facilitators

It doesn’t matter how much (or how little) technology a teacher might be using in their classroom, what does matter is that they see you as approachable, dependable, collaborative, friendly, and above all, willing and able to support their needs. It those personal relationship that you form early on that end up leading to positive and successful collaboration later on. After all, it doesn’t matter how good you are at your job if no one is interested in working with you!

The rest of my favorite links are here.

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