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English is a predominant language on the web but look for it and you may find blogs in all languages including Spanish. In blog directories, we do not see tangible evidence of blogs about educational issues. However, during our first search, we have seen the web educational realm growing exponentially. Blogging in and out of the classroom is not an economic hobby-horse yet, but one can see some blogs with sponsored ads at least.

Education & Tech intends to compile a list of blogs by teachers and non-teachers, just normal people who like to write about education or technology. This does not imply, we cure only the best or busiest blogs published by educators, although in some instances, they might be. The list is intended to showcase blogs by teachers to teachers.

Please do not send spam. Your blog should have a PR=4 or PR>4. Not nudity accepted. A link back is expected but not necessarily to be returned.

E-mail me or leave your blog URL in comments. Also, add any other educational or technical blog that you might have noticed and it is not yet here.

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  1. Hola Milton:

    Desde hace algun tiempo vengo viendo que tu blog no se ve bien con el navegador "Mozilla Firefox" -revisalo en cuanto puedas.

    Y saltando de coles a nabos, avisame si sabes de alguna buena oferta de pasajes aereos a Guayaquil.


  2. Te sugiero para añadir a tus en laces mi blog:


    También me gustaria compartir experiencias contigo acerca de los blogs. Te felicito por el tuyo

  3. Hola que tal,
    esto está infestado de spam ingles.

  4. Gracias Javi, problema es que olvide marcar el setting para que se revisen primero los comentarios
