A good example for all bloggers to follow is the good work of Lifehacker, Steve Rubel says: "The three bloggers who write for the site are always nice and above board". Personally, a part of Lifehacker we also like TechCrunch which is a very good example of Good Blogger!
Remote Access points out: a) Blogs are not an educational panacea which will make us all smarter and our kids to be independent learners with a global perspective and, b) Blogs are only one piece of the ever-expanding puzzle that together makes up what is often called web 2.0. We all agree on that but what comes next and what will it be the new environment where we as learners can be laid out?
I have my own LinkedIn but if you didn't know the importance to be Linked In probably you should pay attention to what the PR Gurus are doing. Today, I've found this post of Guy Kawasaki.
Now is time to finish this post. Paul Stamatiou makes a good review (his not being paid for it) of a new application that works as socialized homepages, we are talking about Webjam. Why not give it a shot!
Saludos , desde argentina , muy bueno el blogs