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Pre-K Teachers Have a Long Lasting Impact in Education

Thanks to Richard Lee Colvin who presents a link to Martha Barnett which explains in detail why and how well trained teachers matter especially in the pre-K level. Here the extract of the most important paragraphs:

"Qualified teachers are the backbone of any educational system. Teachers guide their students' personal and mental development and make them want to achieve. Most of us can point to that special teacher who made a lasting difference in our lives."

"The emerging research clearly shows that better educated pre-k teachers with specialized training are more effective, respond more sensitively to children's needs, and provide more positive feedback and encouragement. Their students score better on language tests, have higher self-confidence, are more sociable, and present fewer behavior problems."

This document was written as an analysis of what will happened in Florida after voters passed the pre-K amendment. The Legislature should adopt a plan during this session to mandate that every pre-K child in Florida has a qualified degreed teacher in every pre-K classroom!

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