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Blogger Still Has Some Miles to Hit the Road

I don't like to yell nobody just to be heard or use Gmail with emoticons/smileys just to look kool as many of you will be thinking. This post pretend to show you some issues still Blogger has to work on.

Error Performing Your Request bX-vjhbsj. Is one of the most typical issues TonNet has to face once in while trying to republish a post or editing the template.

Once you cache get to know what language are you using to blog, Blogger neglects to switch a different one, something so obvious that shouldn't need a drop down box!

If you already had bought a domain through Blogger you must be happy whether all the process of redirection is working but if you tried *.mil as an option then you might get into trouble.

Surely you are using Firefox (if not is time to get it) and even when this browser works beautifully we still have some tricks to learn, have you ever tried a faster way to type Internet addresses? Go and grab it!

Have a wonderful beginning of week!

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  1. Thanks for linklove in post and comments ;)
    Btw, nice mugshot you got now.

  2. No problem Sumesh and thanks for the 'mug shot' It couldn't get better!!
