After you've set up your blog it's important to know what your niche is, what I am sure everyone who stars a blog is familiar with, but as myself, you can find some days hard to publish something of your own interest, after all, you don't want to be repeating everything else other small and large blogs are already saying, you want to write original content, thinking on your particular audience. After reading these 10 Top Design Tips that will take your blog to the next level, we thought it was a good chance to complement it with this our post. We are going to talk about content, we respect the work of SEO and SERP people but as many other times has been said, if you don't have quality content, who's going to read it and most importantly (for a blogger) who's going to link to it? Afterwards, let google do its job.
When writing a book for example, it would be easier if you start cranking out one well-developed chapter than it would be to write an entire book. Same applies for bloggers, you want to write interesting, appealing and quality content but at the same time you don't want to be too short or get on the nerves of your readers and get them tired or bored of reading such a long post. Writing short stories gives you a sense of completion.
One of the benefits of writing a short story is the amount of time it takes to complete. You might sketch out a rough draft after three sessions at your computer. Then you set the story aside for a few days before revising and editing. Next, you present the story to a friend or critique group to get other opinions. You again revise and edit, add those finishing touches, and—Voila! You have a completed story. This process takes weeks instead of years. -
This is certainly true, because our posts now a days, need to be long enough and engage our readers in a pleasant reading. One of the authors of widget, our dear friend Avatar, once told us: "people is getting lazy, they don't want to read large posts" and as the annual report into web habits by usability guru Jakob Nielsen shows, people are becoming much less patient when they go online. "Instead of dawdling on websites many users want simply to reach a site quickly, complete a task and leave." says the BBC.
So, we have to write post for our 'selfish users'. And that's where prime advice comes handy form people that really knows about this matter. The authors of are among them. Go and read their daily topics.
Back to our matters. We write about education and in this field Miguel Guhlin who describes himself as a learner and educator, has published a post on how to write a List Article, that I suggest you read in its entirety:
- When writing an article for publication, I start out with an engaging question, quote, or scenario.
- A list of follow-up questions off the main topic (these are the ones that get answered)
- A short summary conclusion or make the conclusion the final question.
Hope this post complies with what I am saying and for those living in the U.S. I wish a nice Memorial Day!