Imagine what it will be the difference if you've got to the level of a bachelor even when some still think education matters but not much as you thought:
1. Mechanical Engineering, with a start salary of $ 57,821. As more engineers retire, and other professionals transfer to managerial positions, job opportunities in this field are good.
What do they will do? These professionals research, design, develop, and test tools, machines, and mechanical devices. Along with a knack for science and math,for engineers strong oral and written communication skills are a must.
2. Accounting, with a start salary of $47,429. Retirees and a faster than average job growth due to new business and changing financial laws and regulations, accountants can have favorable job opportunities.
What they will do? Accountants ensure that a firm is run efficiently and records are kept accurately, so this career is for people who delight in number crunching.
3. Finance, with a salary start of $48,616. Competition is still keen for finance positions and financial advisors are projected to be among the 10 fastest-growing occupations.
What the will do? Almost a third of finance professionals opt to open their own business but they gather and analyze financials and provide investment guidance to businesses and individuals. You must feel comfortable with money markets, tax laws, and the workings of the economy, and a good communication skills to explain complex strategies and concepts is also a key.
4. Business Administration/Management, with a start salary of $44,195. Competition for top-level business administration management jobs will be high while more opportunities will exist for lower-level management jobs and facility managers. Projected to grow so quickly among other occupations.
What they will do? Leadership and communication skills are as valuable as flexibility, being detail-oriented, and decisive. They keep offices running efficiently, conducting records management.
5. Civil Engineering, with a start salary of $50,940. Employment growth for civil engineers is expected to move faster than the average for all career.
What they will do? Whether you are attracted by nature for details and analytics or you are inquisitive, detail-oriented, and interested in the big picture. This career is for you. Civil engineers must consider potential environmental hazards, construction costs, and government regulations that can affect their creations.
Job descriptions are based on details provided by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and salaries correspond to entry-level. Post written in base of the already article published by Elizabeth Weiss McGolerick.
Photo credit: Hiram College.
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