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Worlcamp SF 2008: Takes on Education and Multiuser Experiences

Photo by marilu79
This past weekend all people who love Worldpress among bloggers, thinkers, journalists, developers, and inventors were reunited in the University of California, San Francisco.

The main page says the goal of Worldcamp 08 was "figure out the future of publishing on the web."

Reading Andrew Mager's page where he made a great presentation of events (still missing some video or audio from this event) we've found a particular topic presented by Allen Levine from New Media Consortium. He just put it plain and simple: "The powerful thing about blogging is that it’s personal. It’s the most important subject: me." And after he brings up examples of great work on multiuser installations such as the familiar edublogs, chickspeak, al upton and scholarpress.

We would love to hear what Blogger is doing to favor education or use of blogs in the classroom.

In the lengthy post written about the Worldcamp, there is also a section where Matt Mullenweg interviewed Om Malik (from gigaom.com). The question about any tips for bloggers was answered, pointing out a mistake many still are doing it (myself included: "Listen to your head. You talk from your head. Using blockquote is an excuse. I use it and that’s when I know I’m being lazy."

Malik's answer says all.

See also, Worldcamp SF 2008 Follow Up.

Cogdogblog posted audio and a PicLens slide show, plus the Worldcamp takeaways.

Update 2:
The Blog Herald is talking about The Changing Social of Conferences.

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