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Education Equality Project Vs. the Bolder, Broader Approach

As I write, I've learned that McCain suspended his campaign to fly Washington and contribute to the economical emergency, they battle on the bailout of the 700 billions. But Obama stays, he said from Florida he won't join McCain in his decision and next Friday debate continues on.

The power of organizing schools in America depends not only of teachers and official in charge of education. It's about politicians in Washington and how much attention the Education is given by the President itself. In this elections it's dramatically important you get to know what's Education Equality Project (EEP) and the Bolder, Broader Approach (BBA). The first one is backed up by republican party as its platform to pursue choice, accountability, and incentives. While the second, represents the interest of the Democratic party that pretends school improvement, plus more resources.

"It would be wonderful if our next president could figure out how to ensure that 'schools for the poor…look and feel like the schools the wealthiest send their kids to'? " writes Diane to Deborah Meier from Bridging Differences column at Education Week. Being the time to voice your educational concerns here is what Diane would like, the next president to do, first he would propose a school construction fund to modernize school facilities. Then he might propose class-size reduction to the level that is typical at schools like Phillips Andover or Exeter (12 students per class?). And then there is the list of social programs, like good health care and nutrition.

Both parties have different agendas on education and sexual education. The Democratic party this fall has made a slight change on its platform, they wil "stake out a few positions that unions have long opposed." (Greg Toppo, USA Today,2008-09-02) These issues include "paying teachers more if they raise test scores, teach in ‘underserved areas’ or take on new responsibilities such as mentoring new teachers." As a disclosure, we should say we're in support of unions, so we don’t think that unions oppose paying teachers for taking on new responsibilities, what we know is that they have usually fought the idea that teacher pay should rise or fall with student test scores.

We just approved a comment from someone who said he would replace 'a couple of teachers for machines or robots' To be fair with the visitor, we should agree with Diane. Politics are changing. But we would like to open the questions to a ulterior debate or comment:

"Is this the future? Is this the new face of the Democratic party? Will it be a future in which schools are run like businesses, in which unions are ousted from the workplace (as they have been in most of the private sector), and in which pay-for-performance is the rule for teachers, principals, and students?"

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