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Using Social Media Strategies in Education

We landed on a post at ReadWriteWeb and we particularly appreciate how social media gurus, take education as an example to built an easy way to sort blogs and sites of your topics of interest. Marshall Kirkpatrick titles his post How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic

In his post Kirkpatrick writes, "We'll use the field of Education as our example, because there is a lot of activity there and we presume we've got more educators as readers here than butchers or candlestick makers"

I have to say that we handle enough skills as for how to filter the internet and find relevant information in it, but some things Marshall refers to, Education & Tech didn't even have information of it. So we think his recommendations should be given credit.

What we don't like is, he says(as everyone is now expecting) his Cheat Sheet works to find the "top bloggers in any field, view or subscribe to just their most popular posts, search against their archives and befriend them elsewhere around the web!" and as you know, this is a discussion we've having online on the Twitter authority. Which means, not only top bloggers have some important to say and in many cases small bloggers have relevant information that because of this methods of lurking information are relegated to the bottom, unfortunately

Still, we really like this two tips on how to find niche blogs on Education, using the popular delicious. Note that you can change the tag at the end of the hyperlink and accommodate your personal results. The other was a Custom Google Search Engine, where you can go over any time you need to look over at Top Blog we follow in Education & Tech

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