This project has been collating and analysing the pedagogical uses of electronic games everywhere from Estonia to England. It’ll be the first place to see the results of the pan-European project or to find out about games initiatives
Ambitious school technology plans run up against budget deficitsNinth-grade science students usually learn Newton's second law of motion by copying and memorizing it. But in Oak-Land Junior High in Lake Elmo, freshmen learn it using other instrumentals and laptop computers. It makes a huge difference.
10 Rules From The Incompetent Educational Leader's Handbook# 4. "Treat problems as a sign of failure." Huh..
How to help people better use the net - go to them, let them copy, open upThe reaction to this might be 'teach the kids and teach the parents'. But we're now in an era where it's not so much about signposting where to go on the web, but teaching society how to navigate the net without even a map, says clinical psychologist Tanya Byron
Digital Natives: Fact Or Fiction?People are questionning the concept, including some of the people who helped spread the word in the first place. But there must have been something in the idea to have captured people's attention and imagination so effectively.
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