The use of technology in education has certainly helped bridge the gap in learning for many students in recent years. However, many argue that the widespread use of technology is going to make or break education in the future. While this may be true to one degree or another, education cannot depend upon technology for several reasons, a few of which will be explained below.
Funding Problems
Securing funding in education is becoming increasingly more difficult. As millions of people lose their homes, valuable property taxes that contribute to the educational systems around the country are being lost in the process. Funding for high technology is simply not going to be an option for many districts in the foreseeable future.
Additionally, if a school district is able to secure funds, technology continues to evolve at a staggering pace. Machines in many classrooms are nearly obsolete, and the rapid development of technology makes it cost-prohibitive to replace aging machines on a regular basis.
A Matter of Dependence
Becoming dependent upon machines is something that many students will find out soon enough. While it is certainly necessary to use technology in education, dependence should be avoided. Mathematical skills, writing, and reading should be encouraged outside of the technological realm. Students need to be able to rely on themselves and not technology to complete simple and complex arithmetic, as well as writing.
Reading is another aspect of education that needs work, as evidenced by standardized test scores around the country. Hands-on texts provide students with opportunities for note-taking, highlighting, and other study methods encouraged when consumable materials are used in the teaching cycle.
Balance is Needed
Using technology in the teaching cycle certainly helps engage students, but moderation is key. Just as our daily lives have become increasingly more dependent upon technology, we still have to learn valuable reasoning and decision-making skills. Critical thinking skills should be taught alongside technological applications.
Technology is also a fantastic way to provide enrichment and can be used in projects as well. The key to using technology successful in education is balancing out opportunities for learning with and without it. There is no need to become fully dependent upon either traditional or technological teaching models.
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Very valid points all of us Tech Lovers @ isteconnects need to consider. Great post!