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NECC09: How Are You Going to Participate?

Tania Sheko brought up this question on Twitter. What's the best way to follow NECC online? (@taniasheko) and we want to go over it. Not all of us can afford to go, but would still like to participate.

So without further introduction let me tell you that Jennifer Ragan-Fore has created http://www.neccning.org/ where participants are gathering to get info about the coming conference.

There is also a Virtual NECCers group created by Scott Merrick where he updates you that "Joe Corbett of the ISTE Connects team has just posted a call for ideas about what that team should share during NECC09 via streaming video! This seems the perfect group to respond. Get on over to his post and add to the discussion there!"

Although there are over a hundred of conference bloggers registered, with the use streaming video (up to the discretion of the session leaders) those who can make it still can participate. We hope in next years the organizer consider this situation.

On Wednesday we posted a Tweet over the 5 Tips to a successful NECC and it seemed to me that many liked. On this article the author suggest two terms we should use as #hashtags on Twitter: NECC and NECC09 and even explains how we should refine our search to be in the right place at the right time.

Elaine Roberts (@elainej) of Freestyle Pen is eager to be on board and also has promised to share some events using coveritlive

Do you know of other people who may be streaming the event during these days. Please help others interested in following virtually the conference


Thanks to http://www.necc2008.org and we've find other way around to follow NECC09:

- The NECC 'UNPLUGGED' will stream all its sessions (on-site and virtual) live through Elluminate.

- Use serach option at the main site and look for sessions that are web cast.

- Apple too, will be posting podcasts of the keynotes.

- Fond of Second Life? Here are some rooms.

- ITSE Vision rocks!

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