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Education & Tech 07/01/2009

NECC ‘09: Blogging Best Practices

Decisions about your blog: Is it transportable? Where are you going to host it? What’s the policy (your policy) on comments? What’s my school’s policy on sharing? What topics will I cover? Is it under Creative Commons? Should I have a group blog? what colors, designs and templates should I use?

Great iTouch Apps for Primary Students 

Yesterday here at NECC I learned about three fantastic applications for younger / primary age students from an Australian teacher who has 8 iPod Touches in her classroom currently

Taste of Tech - Your Daily Dose of Digital Delicacies

On the bloggers’ cafe and how amazed was John Schinker to keep running into EdTech celebrities

NECC09 (Day 3) - New NETS, New Resources | Technology Times

In this session, ISTE gave some folks an opportunity to showcase their products that had earned the ISTE Seal of Alignment.

Writing in the 21st Century @ NECC09

Kathleen Blake Yancey wrote this great piece about writing in the 21st century, so I was not going to miss this session! How is literacy different now?

Can public schools fundamentally reinvent themselves?

You can't have innovation in instruction without innovation of assessment (to which David Jakes pointed out that the curriculum then needed to change too)- Until we see a model that described an educated person in a variety of ways we are going to continue to have problems

Transferring Students Hinders Achievement

Student transfers are students who are transferred from one class and teacher to another class and teacher within a school year. Interrupting a students schedule and flow with one teacher causes the student to lose focus on the material.

Edubloggercon 2009 Notes and Reflections

I learned and shared and questioned and pondered. It was a wonderful day. I have a hard time believing that the actual NECC conference (for which I am paying big bucks) will live up.

The rest of my favorite links are here.

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