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A Student's Goals Many Teachers Should Read

Every often we teachers are dedicated to read, investigate and plan ahead our class management and the substance of our subjects, but the contact with our students is reduced to greet them at the beginning of the school period, randomly check their homework and there we go.

Teachers can (and should) always learn from students. There is nothing wrong with accepting that and adult is able to learn from kids, either in the relationship teacher-student. Below is the transcription of a student's goal of a very respectable school in the U.S. I should give proper credit to the student but I don't have permission to do so. What we teachers can learn from letters like this one?

    My goals for this school year are getting A's, talk less, listen more and learn more grammer. I want to get Superintendent's and make my parents proud. They will be like "Yup, that's my son always getting A's." I want to talk less because I am extremely talkative. I have the nag to not listen to some of my teachers, this is because they sound so boring. Also I wanna learn more grammer because I can't write that great.

    Another reason is I have to write poems and I need to know a lot of grammer.

The student has also a plan to get into his goals during 2009:

    1. I will e-mail my teachers when I need help.
    2. If I get carried away I would want the teacher to call my name and say, "David pay attention"
    3. I will obey every rule I am given and to very single thing no matter how simple or hard.
    4. Asking a responsible adult to keep an eye on me so I can stay focused.

There are many clues, that being a teacher, will allow me to redirect and enforce the learning to students like the one being quoted. What will now be your steps to gain confidence in this type of circumstances?

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