Somewhere in the internet I was reading how comments on blogs dropped considerably. The reason, microblogging and social tools like Twitter are up front, contributing to make people to share their thoughts, links and comments there, rather than on blogs.
Weekly, there are two online events grouping educators (or tweeteducators) on Twitter. It is the #edchat and #lrnchat sessions. If you still don't know what is all about, just type in those words on the Twitter search box and the results will pop up to give a widely idea of the topic.
We are taking this opportunity to publicly thank Paula White. She posted a wonderful post about how we contribute to the edu-community on Twitter. The point is to find the balance between posting about what matters to educators and diggers community, and to share personal experiences, which for many, are not so valuable and at best should be avoided.
On the other hand, Mike Petersell who is blogging for about two months by now, recounts how people gathering on Twitter can learn from each other socially in different ways when participating on #lrnchat sessions. But, he concludes: "So I think I'm beginning to get the idea of social learning. I'm not ready to include it in my instructional strategies at work yet, but I'm hopeful that I will be able to at some point." Go Mike.
Are you forgetting about comments on blogs and in place, are you heading to social networks?
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