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5 Recommendations to Survive Writing Blog Posts

I've felt like it. Why I keep blogging? What matters and who cares about what Education & Tech publishes. But we still have bloggers with the experience of Chris Brogan, who comes in our help. His recommendations, however, are to people who seek to blog somewhat professionally or about their profession, he writes.

Write Better Blog Posts

1. Subject Matter. Look for a way to corner a certain aspect of what you love about education, but one still broad enough to give you multiple topics. Consider writing about something that will be useful to others. Equipping other people to succeed is key.

2. Goals of the Post.
Know your goals before you post. Each post serves a different function: If you want to engage your audience, ask them questions. If you want more bookmarks, write something long and encompassing, or with many resources embedded.

3. Titles Matter. Write headlines that someone may Google or will stop to read in his feed reader. I will tell you from experience.

4. Style and Language. Save the big words for your crossword puzzles. Blogging is a bit more conversational than traditional journalistic style, written as if you and I are conversing.

5. The Call to Action. Be clear about whether you delivered what you intended when you started the post. This another point we always miss, since we forgot about the object of our posts, the call to action gets down to zero.

There are other considerations like think of other ways to drive value into your posts. The more you can give others, the more they’ll give you back.

On this matter, Darren Rowse of problogger.net has great advice but we wanted to share Brogan's work.

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  1. Great recommendations, Milton. Before I started blogging, I felt doubtful about publishing my experiences, ideas, beliefs, statements, thoughts related to TEFL. I realized it is the most challenging occasion of improving my writing skills. As Andrew Ran Wong says "Blogs are great publishing platforms which allow the readers to comment and critique about particular posts." Just what I am doing, commenting on this post.
