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What Are the Worst Examples of Using Tech in Schools?

This was the second time @shareski brought up the same question. He warned: "Exclude PPT, IWB and bad games. I already have those on my list." As he prepares to a 60 minutes session about the topic: Worst uses of technology in schools.

Dean Shareski has a blog where he discusses ideas and thoughts about authentic learning. One of this is for example, the reason others give for banning cell phones in the classroom.

I was just in time to catch most of the replies his PLN members did. As an anticipation of what that session will be, we are sharing some of the most relevant responses Twitter educators shared:

    @pmcash. Using tech as a reward: when you get this task completed you can use a computer

    @Digin4ed. What about the PA school remotely spying on students via their laptops?

    @ajep. Bad eg of tech in schools: copy from the screen into word.

    @daveandcori. projecting websites on board instead of having students search. Electronic worksheets...

    @hmundahl. social bookmarking as a classroom management tool, i've seen it... I think it's nuts...

    @RdngTeach. Computers that are only used to deliver rote, multiple choice online curriculum w/ all internet blocked.

    @MaryKayG. "Saving" the computer for the creation of the good copy and requiring that drafts/editing be done with paper/pencil.

    @TeachaKidd. Giving students NO access to any drives to save their work? Flash drives don't show up either!

But some fellas where to discover the most practiced of all of them, and even compared them to the teaching of mathematics:

    @vtdeacon. how about touch typing? or typing a "report"

    @MariaDroujkova. Calculators can be pretty bad tech for math (well, compared).

Others, however, saw at both sides of the Shareski's question. Things can be good or bad depending of the angle you take or the person in possession of information or any goods.

    @epcke. IWBs? Really, the worst example? I hope there will be two sides to this presentation. Anything CAN be the worst in the wrong hands.

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