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Americans "Reluctant to Impose Tough Sanctions on Schools or Individuals for Poor Performance"

Charters schools sport a popular brand, but their popularity rests on a shaky foundation.

Proponents of accountability, charter schooling, merit pay, value-added metrics, and the "reform" agenda are cheered by the strides they've made in recent years. Given President Obama's support, the fuss raised by Waiting for Superman, the emergence of Democrats for Education Reform, and so on, would-be reformers have seemingly captured the high ground in the edu-debate --even winning the approval of zeitgeist queen Oprah Winfrey. 

Yet, in a just-published Education Next forum piece entitled "Pyrrhic Victories?," Harvard's Marty West, Fordham's Mike Petrilli, and I ask whether these victories might not ultimately yield bitter fruit. Marty, Mike, and I are ardent champions of accountability, charter schooling, merit pay, and the rest--but we are also well aware of how easily groupthink, hubris, and wishful thinking can submarine good ideas.

 Read the whole article written by Frederick M. Hess

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