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Fair and Effective Discipline in American Schools

Sporting a new design today, The New York Times reports some changes in the way students get disciplined in American schools.

The new measure looks to benefit primordially minority students. From data collected by the Education Department,  the Times writes, minorities particularly black boys and students with disabilities face the harshest discipline in schools. There is no mention of the Hispanic alumnae which usually also needs to be disciplined.

Due to the violence experienced in some schools nationwide, these institutions hired more security personnel  to the benefit of attendants to those buildings. Human rights groups have been watching the drastic increase of criminal charges to the students under these circumstances.

Teachers know well that creating a positive school climate, is a hard work. But the guidelines are set and very much clear: "A routine school disciplinary infraction should land a student in the principal’s office, not in a police precinct," has said Mr. Eric H. Holder one of the responsible -along with Mr. Duncan, for the guidance package released today.

The arrests reduction and good climate of discipline within schools includes counseling for students, coaching for teachers and disciplinary officers, and sessions to teach social and emotional skills.

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