A college degree is important for advancing one's earnings potential, says a recent The Hamilton Project's study. Despite the growing anxiety many Americans students confront while they get a rising student-loan bill, using debt to partially finance one's education makes it a better investment.
Even when some universities are already changing gears about student loans, use of the following smart ways to save with your higher education, can help you leave college with less debt:
Use a Cosigner. More than often students have low or poor credit scores, which lets private lenders charge you a higher interest rate. Using a cosigner can get you interest rates lower than those charged by the government loans.
Work for the Government. Programs like Teach for America require that graduates work for a specified period of time --usually one year or longer-- for the government with the agreement that the government will then forgive their loans.
Rely on Grants and Scholarships. When you fill out the FAFSA, the government will let you know how much in grants you will receive based on the income of your parents. The children of parents who are members of community and fraternal organizations qualify for some scholarships, and scholarships are also available for minority students and students studying specific topics. Remember you can apply for scholarships through your college or through independent organizations.
Opt for Tuition Reimbursement. Many companies now offer some kind of tuition reimbursement for students who are working either full-time or part-time. This can range from your employer paying for textbooks and a small percentage of your classes to your employer paying all costs you incur up to a certain point.
Now that money is scarce and costs of going to college have even politicians concerned, it is good to have at least some advice on ways to save money while you enroll in higher education.
The original of this article was written by Savannah Coulsen on Enroll - Collaborative Blogging.
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