Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream
Currently 7.4 million people are unemployed in the United States, another six million want full-time work but can only find part-time jobs, millions more have given up looking, and perhaps tens of millions have settled for jobs with low wages, skimpy benefits, or poor working conditions.
The Chilling Effect of Fear at America's Colleges
Consider a few recent cases: Brown University, Johns Hopkins University, Williams College, and Haverford College, among others schools, withdrew speaking invitations, including those for commencement addresses, because students objected to the views or political ideology of the invited speaker.
In spite of rising tuition, one country manages to shepherd poor kids into college
To get permission to impose the highest fees, they have to set and meet goals approved by Ebdon’s office for enrolling more low-income, racial and ethnic minority, and first-generation students.That’s something to which many colleges and universities in the United States still are far behind.
Reflecting on Yourself as a Leader | Edutopia
You don't have to have a fancy title to be a leader: https://t.co/IYsS1xknvX. #leadupchat https://t.co/JPoDOqnLoi
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