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Blog Recognition: Thanks!

We've never really looked for any form of recognition over this blog other than share and publish interesting stuff to a mixed and varied edtech and want to be edtech audience. Over the course of this weekend, I had the chance to publish the logo Rose DesRochers awarded to this blog, I actually wanted to say thank you to the readers who have helped get the blog to this point! 

 Personally, I'm quite surprised that she even noticed us. I guess the reach of Education & Tech is starting to make its mark across the globe rather than just on the US side of things. It's always lovely to read the comments from our readers and even lovelier to be thanked for it. I, me, and myself are honored that someone thinks we are worth being noticed. Kinda luv your Blog Award

Technorati picked up a new site linking to our site. It happened to be Knit 1 Blog Too. It appears that they have been on the search for new up and coming blogs and they like Blogger Betta Resources. Kudos for Jaloe who also picked our Blogger Templates and believed it's worth to have it in his top left header. Thanks to you all! 

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  1. Hello, congrats on your award! Nice site you have. I'll see you again.

  2. Hey Alvine thanks for dropping by. I'll pay the favor and I owe you a spot in our blogroll.
