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Wikisari: Blog me then Google me!

The statistics reports are to show evidence that Google this year got more hits thatn Yahoo! but the question is what would happen if Wikisari launches next year. For those not familiar with the term I have to mention this is a new project from the Wikipedia's Dad. Enough said.

Then, why you don't participate in essays like this one and you set yourself up as a professional blogger, mostly when you have to show something from your mother country or Latin America.

Are you still looking for some up tree fruits? Well, is time for send to consideration (just a dollar charge) your own blog, check what Joost de Valk is doing and try to link to any of those wraps up Paul Stamatiou is talking about.

Still talking about what everyone knows? No, this comes from a PR gurú, and if he says so, then we should pay close attention: America's New Digital Divide.

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  1. Feliz navidad..

    un poquito tarde pero por aki estoy... chekeando lo mejor de 2006..

  2. Hey! Feliz Navidad para ti tambien y que en tu nuevo domicilio te vaya super bien. Feliz 2006!

  3. Interesante la idea Tonnet...

    Vengo a darte un abrazo mi amigo. Que el Año Nuevo venga lleno de prosperidad, dicha y felicidad para ti y tu familia... y que sigamos comunicándonos el próximo año! Continua siempre con el buen trabajo!

    (Ahh, se me olvidaba! yo y mis cambios! fijate, tuve muchos problemas con uno de mis blogs en blogger y así que me mudé, te dejo aquí la dirección)

  4. Gracias Sr. Milton por agregarme. I really appreceate the plug in and thank you for reading. Me impresiono todo lo que tienes sobre educacion so voy a seguir visitando tu website, Gracias! --Clau

  5. Hey! Long time no see! Happy new Year for You ISA. I can not see the new link, though.

  6. Claudia, Hispanics deserve better. You are part of the top network!
