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The Longer I live, the Less I Know

This is a saying everyone should take care of or at least pay close attention. Last night I watched The Beauty and The Geek series and one of the participants said something lively interesting, she said what I've learned is that there are not beauties and geeks, we all are human beings! and reading what David Boles writes today, there is not doubt that Socrates was correct when sentenced:'The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing'. All the complexity around knowledge makes so hard to say definitely, it’s all right or It’s all wrong. It’s only what you do about it that matters now and the longer you’re alive, the less you know what you think you knew, as his writing mentor used to say.

What I said before has to be with the problem of how to be considered by A-list bloggers and being in the rest of blogs I feel honored that Blog Bloke had been considered TonNet to be as part of the thread about the responsability of A-bloggers with those small ones who are not yet so big as Engadget which is not considered a blog anymore. Thanks InstaBLOKE and I hope this works better than a comment in your post.

The searching behaviour of the e-citizens has changed quite a bit and for example they are not using the browsers, in place they are googling whatever they need it quick, that's why if you go and look for most searched terms in Google you will find MySpace, because users are rooting their searches through big search engines. Probably the impact will be superior if those same citizens start using what Google now calls One Box.

The 'knowledge society' that Dr. Tony Wagner claims for a reform in the American educational system is brought by Stephanie Sandifer who had the fortune to assist his presentation for a Reinvention and a Theory of Change that sustent the dynamic throughout a change of leadership in the educational field. I don't think it will be enough but is qualitatively important that voices arise like those in Harvard, in order to get a better education for our kids and our families.

This post is coming to the end and I want to participate for those who are using MyBlogLog, Yahoo already started its migration and that means Flickr, Delicious and MyBlogLog integrated!. Want to see the same applications in your phone? Then, head to mdog.com not before reading what Rug Jeff has to say to you.

Have a warm beginning of week. Around here is so cold that I would love to stay home, but you know, I have a family to provide.

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