I think it deserves to give credit Quick Online Tips for work out on this ten list. Are you wasting time while try to catch up with everything you've found in the Internet? Think twice from now on:
1. Unsubscribe from common or unnecessary feeds.
2. Leave the Template Alone, you don't need to change it day by day.
3. Test Ads Longer, at least one week.
4. Beyond Statistics. No more than once a day.
5. Turn IM Offline, stay connected only when needed.
6. Email twice a day, you are not in the Costumer Service desk.
7. Forget Akismet Spam Comments.
8. Turn Off Adsense Notifier.
9. Reduce Keyword Alerts.
10. Stop Thinking. Start blogging.
Is there any particular way you personally think you've been wasting time while blogging? Why you don't share it and make blogging more effective and efficient.
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