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Blog Day 2007

I felt very nice after reading two posts from two fellow bloggers, Silvia who's picking one of our blogs as her favorite. Iwon't abide by rules in this Blog Day but I want to participate and let to know who are by now the blogs and people. Happy BlogDay 2007 to everyone.

Weblog-ed, Will Richardson is a professional who pursues and research the tendencies in technology applied to the classroom. He's the Learner in Chief
in topics, discussions and reflections on the use of Weblogs, wikis, RSS, audiocasts and other Read/Write Web related technologies in the K-12 realm.

Paul Stamatiou, he's a very young man with a tremendous potential and knowledge about technology and apple related stuff. He's a penchant for all things high-tech
as himself describes. We are subscribed to his page since the very first time we get to know him. Power to the people of Georgia Tech.

eLearnspace, is held by George Siemens and he's very passionate about learning technologies from he's also a teacher in the University of Manitoba. I'm enamored with the potential of technology to transform learning and society. And he certainly is. Every educator should be paying attention to what he has to say on a regular basis.

Hackosphere, has being blogging from a while and he's our grandfather because thanks to his deep knowledge
in Ajax and feed readers you can see a nice blog design in this blog. He has created bVibes which a prosperous feed sharing portal. Ramani will be in our sight forever.

BlogBloke, is the only way I know him because it's very hard to find out his real name. He's being creating blogs with tips and tools for the blogging community and loves to write about Blogger Tips and lately he's being thinking to switched to Wordpress(so sad, I might say). 'He was one of the earliest to make RSS feeds (by hand, not automated, mind you)' as one of another fellow blogger states.

Hope you all something special to say about your favorite blogs or bloggers. As for ourselves we want to join in the special celebration in our home city, Loxa and home country, Ecuador. Or more in Global Voices Online.

If you want to receive my future posts regularly for FREE, please subscribe in a reader or by e-mail. Follow me on Twitter. For other concerns, Contact Me at anytime.

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  1. Hey TonNet, you're looking very guapo there ; ) Thanks for the link...
