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Games to Play a Decisive Roll in the Workplace

If you have a kid as I do probably you'll be stunned in the way they love to play games and use all kind of consoles for this matter. I've had a hard time trying to limit his time spend in these games among playstation, gamecube, nintendo,etc. Fortunately, it seems they won't need too much science or math in order to get immerse in the labor market for next decade. Aili McConnon has published in the BusinessMeek a draft of what it means to be playing around for these kids and how the next labor force will be challenged and get benefits from these players.
The fledgling corporate games and virtual worlds are not nearly as sophisticated or visually stunning as some of the most popular consumer games involving millions of players, such as World of Warcraft, but they are precursors of what's in the pipeline. In a recent survey of nearly 1,500 people in large and small companies, the eLearning Guild—a group investigating the design and management of e-learning tools for business, government, and education—found that the number of people using games for work in the financial and banking industries alone had increased from 33% to nearly 40% in the past nine months.

So, if you're still thinking that you should hide the video game controller from your kids because they're spending too much time in front of the TV or computer, don't. What you perceive as it's slacking may just be preparing them to become productive members of the workforce when they get older. Their future office room are likely to be heavily digital—especially if they work remotely—and their work may resemble the online games that many now spend hours trying to decipher and playing.

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