The secret to behavior management is really about having the students fully engaged in the learning process, and it involves more than just rules and office referrals. After all, the whole point of getting the class to focus is to do some meaningful work—to reach new understandings, to create new expressions of their knowledge, and to build new skills. But we have to know how to manage our teacher-student relationships in order to get there.Here his recomendations:
1. Post a short list of clear, unambiguous rules and enforce them consistently.
2. Learn how important it is to phone parents early in the year, with positive news if at all possible. When he had to call about some problems a few months later, parents were there to back him up 100 percent.
3. Balance a negative phone call with a positive one. It felt great to be able to point out that he was working with their parents in their best interests, and that he would make positive calls when behavior improved.
4. Learn to keep a record of student behavior, along with any referrals to the office, so that the problems you had with a few students were clearly documented.
5. Learn how easy it is to get into entertaining but fruitless dialogues with students when you are trying to enforce rules.
6. Learne it is important for students to understand that you care about their well-being, and that you are on their side.
7. Students refuse to memorize the textbook facts—they were bored with, and their behavior reflected their boredom. Look for different ways for students to demonstrate their understanding through more creative projects, and you will find the students become more engaged!