Some Not So-Good News About U.S. Education - Survey shows tendency from fair to poor
I am pretty sure this is not science and shows only an statistical inference but, obviously, something is happening,( no just now) with the U.S. Education. How come half of Americans may think, educational system is doing only a fair to poor job of preparing students for college and the workplace, even though education ranks behind only the economy and gas prices as a top issue for Americans.
The other half? They think education system is falling behind that of other countries, and six in 10 said the quality of American schools has declined in the past 20 years.
Science or Technology...?.
It seems extrange we still have to discuss these things today. At the same time, it's impossible to just skip it and just...move on.
Help David to complete his post and help educational community to clarify such a philosophical dilema: "I am not certain that Computing can ever be a science in that it does not have a body of fundamental knowledge independent of other sciences. It is a very important technology, perhaps the most important at the present time and thus deserves academic study."
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