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Blogging as a Method of Communication May Be Over!

Sarah Perez from ReadWriteWeb has written an excellent post on what is the future of blogging. Before, she says, "the main way to publish your own personal thoughts and opinions for the rest of the web to read," was blogging, and continues "blogging started a movement that democratized the web. Everyone could be a publisher. But now, blogging as everyone's preferred method of communication may be over. What's taking its place? Lifestreaming."

We do agree with some of her commenters, Blogging it's not the same as Lifestreaming. The process of Lifestreaming will probably appeal to people who are less concerned about writing as their primary output and who do more with audio, video, and images. It may also be more suited to people who share freely and easily as opposed to saving up bits and ideas and then posting. And we don't think either, blogging will be replaced by this new tendency, not in a short period of time.

There are many people who write not because they want to be on top of Google searching of the even care about Technorati rankings, these people will sustain blogging as it begun; no matter that lifestreaming develop and some look for some voyeurism, blogging will persist a long while. All experienced bloggers, making or not profit of blogging are using different channels of distribution but, it doesn't mean they are moving ( as Sarah tries to show you), they promote their contents. That's all.

Now, we do agree with Sarah on this paragraph, it's becoming hard for bloggers to attract readers, because they are getting used to Friendfeed on the sort, so blogging need to be reinvented, not as a mere democratization of the www but as a disruptive process to communicate. Here's the paragraph:

The simplicity of a lifestream is ideal for our information overloaded age. Lifestreams are short and sweet, yet still provide the same insight into a person's life as yesterday's casual personal blog did. A video here, a photo there, and today's web citizens can voyeuristically peer into anyone's life and get a sense of who they are. Long-form bloggers, on the other hand (myself included) require time and attention to read, but with so many publishers out there, people just aren't reading content like they used to - they're just scanning text and moving on. For new bloggers, this means getting readers is harder than ever - your words are getting lost in a sea of noise. So to stand out, several are turning to the lifestream instead in order to get noticed.

Do you think Blogging will be replaced by Lifestreaming at the Friendfeed style?

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