Obama practices social promotion is the title of his post in HuffPo where he establishes that "social promotion is a godsend to urban school superintendents in this age of privatization." The whole post is a critic of the nomination of the new Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.
We are not going to comment on his post but in place, we will reproduce part of his Judy L. Harris-Hooked on Phonics(R)netiquette dispute:
"A curious cartel of billionaire bullies, power-hungry politicians, and tough-talking school superintendents wage an eternal battle against social promotion -- for the good of our children of course. Social promotion, a divisive political term with no basis in reality, like partial-birth abortion, is one of the most popular talking points among the most vocal critics of public education. The "end of social promotion" has caused tens of thousands of kids as young as 3rd grade to be left-back, despite overwhelming evidence that this practice harms children and increases the drop-out rate."
Henry Thiele, weights in and writes a Basic Research on Arne Duncan. He calls everyone to stop acting against an educational primer as Duncan is. Withhold judgment until you learn and see more, adds one of his commenters.