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Are We Approaching to Meta-Schools in the Same Way We've Got Charter Ones?

The teacher who thinks that a website address and Google are enough to navigate media and networks of information is gradually becoming media-illiterate.

I came across a blog which we've quoted at the beginning. The topic is how can an increasing numbers of meta-teachers will allow the school of the future, what Macquarie University's professor calls, the ‘meta-schools’. The author of this still non-commented article asks: "Is that how we’ll reform pedagogy and curriculum?"

It all depends how today’s teens keep feeding the daily diet of instant, franchised information – short messages that have specific intentions – few of which worry too much about being un-biased, impartial, ethical, moral or accurate. If we are able to revert the idea "meta-teachers are a problem," then we can override the results on a generation, who now only skim content, but not critically analyse it.

How ICT will perform a meta data and meta language to tie information, people, ideas, resources and communities together, when new generation are learning that, in 140 characters you can make a point, shout or push a link. Teachers, of course have a "power-influence" so students and the rest of us, don't think that blogs are dead, that extended writing is not relevant or worse, as long as you can short message and skim, you’ll succeed. This is the generation we have also to get inmersed in the meta discussion.

The meta-teacher Teaching and Learning Design dreams of is: "A teacher who understands that as information spews out of our desktops, laptops and phones – it sticks to the internet and potentially has to be navigated. These teachers are different. They have skills and understanding that makes them critical in the classroom, and the global edu community. They lead, mediate, inspire and collaborate. More importantly, they understand how to read, use, integrate, technology, and ‘meta-language’. They understand how ‘things’ get connected to other things. They are aware that ‘tagging’ is significant."

Head of Educational Development Design at the Learning and Teaching Centre, Macquarie University, in Sydney says he doesn't consider himself an advocate of technology but how much and why technology changes learning.

Will meta-schools appear in the same way charter schools appeared?

Who knows, it’s not so crazy the author confirms, and an idea that sooner or later someone with money will pay for it. Perhaps the role of meta-teachers is not to change their schools. Maybe they represent an opportunity to create better schools – or at least offer an alternative to what we have, ends this magnificent post.

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