- The Knowledge Illusion.
The Technology illusion.
The Institutional illusion.
The challenging of a monolithic instruction has made possible that 21st. century developments in technology and education allow learners to decide how, where and with whom they learn. However, as Bob Harrison points out, "current technology rich learning development models need further work if they are to result in applications that enable learners to take full advantage of this situation."
Now this is true for technology but teachers have to work in the context, too. Here's where sharing and meta cognition are to be inseparable. This is not about them using technology, it’s about sharing. "I’m not saying you have to share to be a great teacher, I’m saying if you do, you are. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.", writes Dean Shareski in a post titled Teachers Who Share.
Shareski also offers a list of blogs that share something in common, "their classrooms are open to the world." Get to know them:
Carey Pohanka
Chad Brannon
Chris Harbeck
Colleen Glaude
Donna Fry
Eldon Germann
George Mayo
Jaqlyn Schmitt
Jeff Whipple
Jennifer Clark Evans
Karen Chichestor
Moira Moritz
Anne Smith
Kristen Leclaire
Kelly Hines
Kyle Stevens
Lois Smethurst
Maria Knee
Mavis Hoffman
Matt Montagne
Jessica Lipsky
Debby Cothern & Michelle Ellis
Tracey Ruark and Cathy Daniels
Nellie Duetsch
Sandi Kerney
Seth Dickens
Sheri Edwards
Sophie Rosso
Stephanie Affield
Stephanie Olson
Susan Carter Morgan
Paula White
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