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How Technology is Transforming Public Schools

It is interesting how Hon. George Miller and The House Education and Labor Committee will be holding a hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, June 16 to examine how technology and innovative education tools are transforming and improving education in America. 

 Full Committee Hearing at 10:00 AM, June 16, 2009 2175 Rayburn H.O.B Washington, DC.

Witnesses include school district technology officers, industry leaders, and a middle-school science teacher. For more information, or to view streaming video of the hearing, visit the Education & Labor committee website.

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  1. After viewing this video, I was excited to see other like-minded people that feel that the iTouch has a place in the classroom. I would love to see this device replace all the expensive books and other paper resources that school districts must purchase and store in every classroom. However, I’m not entirely convinced that the current (or future) applications developed for education and used on the iTouch could replace all of the grade level subject matter and student learning expectations established by NCLB and adopted by the school districts. I feel at this point, the applications that are used in the educational setting are great “tools” for reinforcing subject concepts, as a resource for standard reference materials, logic/strategy games, communication, organization, and reading. However, I can’t see school districts buying into the idea that the iTouch could do it all; although, I truly wish it could.
