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Education & Tech 10/02/2009

Who Is America's Next Top Model Education Blogger?

You can nominate someone else's work just make sure to indicate clearly that you're not submitting it as your own.

The winner gets the chance to write a weekly column on this site . Alexander Russo will give you a byline and pay you $100 per column!

The Renaissance: Leonardo daVinci & the Creative Mind by Bulent Atalay

I had called my book “Math and the Mona Lisa: The Art and Science of Leonardo da Vinci” originally “The Two Leonardos” but publishers didn’t think it would sell with that title...

Social network statistics

The internet knows us at an aggregate level!

What is good eLearning?

There are many things that work together when we are creating programs to produce something that learners will actually want to take part in. These three things all together are so important: content, resources & people

The rest of my favorite links are here.

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