Digital Directions (Education Week) ran a history about this situation in several states in the American Union. In the article, they cite people involved with the Cyber Security for the Digital District Leadership. They as experts call for a "digital citizenship and ensuring strong authentication measures and passwords are the most important ways to prevent threats."
However, nothing is granted as far as technology evolves progress and hits the neurons on students' young minds. But, if you are an IT or an administrator you better follow this 4 tips outlined by Katie Ash in
- 1. Update often. "Acceptable use" policies, which outline what students and faculty are and aren’t allowed to do on school computers, should be reviewed frequently, and all users of the school network should be educated on what the document contains, as well as the consequences for violating it.
2. Stay secure. Be sure that each person who uses a school computer has to log in. In addition, using role-based access can help prevent students from accessing secure parts of the network.
3. Create separate networks. Insulate the student network from the network used by teachers and administrators, making it more difficult for students to hack into data they shouldn’t access. Keep computers up to date. Use antivirus software as well as security patches that are released.
4. Talk, talk, talk. Promote open communication between students, parents, teachers, IT staff, and administrators so everyone knows what to look for to prevent hacking. Using IT solutions to protect school networks is essential, but educating all the people in the school is the first line of defense.
Share your experiences with this bright but challenging students in your school.
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Milton Ramirez