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At a Mississippi Middle School Race Still Counts


Thinking about running for eighth-grade class president at Mississippi's Nettleton Middle School? Are you white? Because only white kids can run for president. Black kids can be vice-president, though! But only black kids. Update: They changed the policy. 

A few days ago, Nettleton Middle School students brought home the following memo, which spells out the requirements for students who want to run for class office and was provided to blogger Suzy Richardson by a parent: 

Okay, so obtain 10 signatures from classmates... check. Maintain a B average... check. Have "good disciplinary status and moral character"... okay, I haven't sexted anyone recently, check. White... ch... what? They must mean like... wears white clothing? Right? Or like... the color... of their lockers? Right? Uh, well, not really. 

 More about the case in the original article written Max Read.

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