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Teacher Turnover Affects School [No Research Available Yet]

I have been criticized by getting into hot waters with education research, however, Corey Bunje Bower force me to that again. In an excellent post, he cautiously says that "it seems logical to me that the amount of teacher turnover in a school would affect the way that school operates."

But you don't need to be a researcher to read nature, either you have been in a school where you saw at that, or you know someone coming from an institution where teacher turnover might be significant.

"We do have some limited evidence that it matters, at least in high-poverty, urban schools, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of other research on the topic," writes Bower.

Unfortunately, education is not the only field that is underfunded to do progresses on research. A while now we already referred with great emphasis on education research, and today we have to repeat it, educators need to move forward, and as Bower is working the abolish grades, other teachers need to take the lead in other areas, as well.

And look out for the strength of his closing paragraph:

    Teachers matter -- and we shouldn't allow those who don't care to remain in the teacher force -- but schools matter too, and we need to think about how firing teachers might impact a school before we decide it's a good idea.

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