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Laughs Are Good, Not So Schooliness And Blackboards

I wish every teacher who evangelize about social media and self-publishing has an opening paragraph like Clay Burell did in this blog post.

How the teacher is to avoid, at all costs, schooliness and focus on success of learning. The teacher does not have to present the contents under their own name, his creativity will go beyond the literal description of the matter of a determined subject. For some this is was called motivation while in college education, for Burell it is a plain belly-laugh:

    ...The sooner students learn that laughter is okay when they’re presenting, the sooner they ascend from boring to interesting, from droning automaton to spirited human being. And maybe, just maybe, that discovery leads them to learn that designing and giving a presentation can be one of life’s highest pleasures.

The thesis is supported by two videos: Why Hores Are so Great and How to Teach Presentation Zen in Eight Minutes.

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